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This Website


Is basically a rough semblence of my writings. These could be either short storys the bloody stump of a story's beginning or perhaps just random ideas. It is by no stretch of the imagination professional. I hope you find something you like!


You can also find some of this stuff (and more) on my wattpad account. Just look up 'smilefangsincluded'.

So, What The Hell Is This About?


Daman pointed his hand to his head, a fake gun posed at his temple.

"Dude," I said incredoulsy. "Their are madmen running around our school with REAL guns wanting to kill us. Do not joke about that kind of stuff."

It starts averagley for the three students of Rose Hill High, that is until the lockdown bell sounds and three dudes with guns start running around the school and shooting everyone. A normal day suddenly becomes a fight for your life. But, hey, at least they get time off.


Blood, cyanide, futility and happiness bought with broken hearts. What happens when the only way to kill a monster is to become it?


Family just got a new defenition of screwed up.


Everything here is subject to the most recent copyright laws

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